Social Security

You may be entitled to social security disability benefits.
If you have a physician, psychologist and/or vocational expert who says that you have been or will be incapable of any type of work in the national economy for at least 12 full months, you may be entitled to social security disability benefits. Your odds of winning such a case generally double if you have an attorney who can work with your doctor(s) or vocational expert(s) who have previously said that you are incapable of working in any and all occupations.
Your odds of winning your social security disability case in Iowa or Nebraska are generally only about 40% or less at step I and 13% or less at step II (Reconsideration). Any single case can potentially go all the way to step VII before the United States Supreme Court.
Social Security hires its own doctor(s) and/or psychologist(s) at each step of your case to look over your medical records. They may, in a minority of cases, send you to their own chosen doctor(s) or psychologist(s). All of those experts normally consult on hundreds of cases on behalf of the Social Security Administration. We will try to work with your physician(s), psychologist(s) and/or vocational expert(s) to make sure that your qualifying problems are fully described to the Social Security Administration.
You normally only have 60 days to appeal a social security denial. If you blow such a deadline you may, however, be able to start your case over again if you reapply within a year of the date of their initial denial.
Don't let the Social Security Administration deny your claim before they obtain all the proper information. The attorney's fee in all disability claims are set at 25% of your past due expenses.
Social Security will also not pay your expenses to obtain medical records, doctor's reports, vocational expert's reports, etc. Typical expenses which you are obligated to pay in a case that is tried to an administrative law judge are $1,000 - $2,000 for such "ammunition" to try to be victorious in your claim.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a workers compensation accident, contact Law Office of Dennis J. Mahr, LLC today at 712-233-1623 or 1-800-621-0783 for a free consultation.
Don't let the insurance companies dictate how your claim is handled. You will owe us nothing in attorney's fees in any workers compensation accident claim unless we obtain a recovery for you.
Any general advise set forth above should not be utilized to decide your individual course of action in any particular case without consulting with an attorney to first see if all relevant facts and laws have been taken into account.